“The Best Death Metal Times Continue” – Narcotic Wasteland Crush and Astonish Hollywood Death Metal, MetalJason WilliamsOctober 18, 2022#narcoticwasteland, #metal, #hollywood Comment
“Death Metal-Born Leviathan” – Hate’s Stellar Performance at Brick by Brick Metal, live music, Death MetalJason WilliamsOctober 16, 2022Brick by BrickHate, #deathmetal, #polishmetalComment
“Marvelous Sounds of Dissonant Ecstasy” – Imperial Triumphant Create Wonderous Memories in Los Angeles Metal, Avant-Garde, progressiveJason WilliamsOctober 15, 2022The EchoplexImperial Triumphant, spiritofecstasy, #newyork, #dissonant, #jazzdrumming, centurymediarecordsComment
“A Good God is a Dead One” - Zeal & Ardor Bring Musical Soul and Beautiful Intensity to the Echoplex live music, Metal, Avant-Garde, SoulJason WilliamsOctober 12, 2022EchoplexZeal & Ardor, #soul, #blackmetal, #avant-garde, #devilisfineComment
Melodies of Glistening Nova: Sylvaine Create Gorgeous Soundscapes at Brick by Brick live music, progressive, Shoegaze, MetalJason WilliamsOctober 10, 2022Brick by BrickSylvaine, #shoegaze, #metal, #nova, #livemusic, #norwayComment